Latifa Echakhch, A chaque stencil une revolutión, 2007 IDL Ⓒ PG
Latifa Echakhch, A chaque stencil une revolutión, 2007 IDL Ⓒ PG
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The installation ‘À chaque stencil une revolutión’ is as big as a room. In it, Latifa Echakhch has covered the walls with carbon paper, then sprayed alcohol on it so that the ink has dripped down to the floor. To understand what it means, we have to take a step backwards. First of all, what is carbon paper? It’s a special paper used to obtain a copy of a document. During the protests of the 1960s, this material was used to spread revolutionary ideas and practical information about protests (date, place, time). For the artist, carbon paper has a strong social and political meaning because of its connection to this type of event. But here, Latifa deprives the carbon paper of its primary function. What interests her is to highlight not the power of the means but the power of the ideas.